
Particle Tools

Tools for dealing with particle momenta four-vectors. A four-vector can either be in Cartesian coordinates, [e,px,py,pz] (energy, momentum in x direction, momentum in y direction, momentum in z direction), or hadronic coordinates, [pt,y,phi,m] (transverse momentum, rapidity, azimuthal angle, mass), which are related via:

p_T=\sqrt{p_x^2+p_y^2},\quad y=\text{arctanh}\,\frac{p_z}{E},\quad \phi=\arctan_2\frac{p_y}{p_x},\quad m=\sqrt{E^2-p_x^2-p_y^2-p_z^2}

and inversely:

E=\cosh y\sqrt{p_T^2+m^2},\quad p_x=p_T\cos\phi,\quad p_y=p_T\sin\phi,\quad p_z=\sinh y\sqrt{p_T^2+m^2}.

The pseudorapidity eta can be obtained from a Cartesian four-momentum as:

\eta=\text{arctanh}\,\frac{p_z}{|\vec p|},\quad |\vec p|\equiv\sqrt{p_x^2+p_y^2+p_z^2},

and is related to the rapidity via

\eta=\text{arcsinh}\left(\sinh y\,\left(1+m^2/p_T^2\right)^{1/2}\right),\quad y=\text{arcsinh}\left(\sinh \eta\,\left(1+m^2/p_T^2\right)^{-1/2}\right).

Note that the above formulas are numerically stable up to values of rapidity or pseudorapidity of a few hundred, above which the formulas have numerical issues. In this case, a different but equivalent formulae are used that are numerically stable in this region. In all cases, the p_T\to0 limit produces infinite values.

In the context of this package, an "event" is a two-dimensional numpy array with shape (M,4) where M is the multiplicity. An array of events is a three-dimensional array with shape (N,M,4) where N is the number of events. The valid inputs and outputs of the functions here will be described using this terminology.


energyflow.ptyphims_from_p4s(p4s, phi_ref=None, mass=True)

Convert to hadronic coordinates [pt,y,phi,m] from Cartesian coordinates. All-zero four-vectors are left alone.


  • p4s : numpy.ndarray or list
    • A single particle, event, or array of events in Cartesian coordinates.
  • phi_ref : {None, 'hardest', float, numpy.ndarray}
    • Used to help deal with the fact that \phi is a periodic coordinate. If a float (which should be in [0,2\pi)), all phi values will be within \pm\pi of this reference value. If '\hardest', the phi of the hardest particle is used as the reference value. If None, all phis will be in the range [0,2\pi). An array is accepted in the case that p4s is an array of events, in which case the phi_ref array should have shape (N,) where N is the number of events.
  • mass : bool
    • Whether or not to include particle masses.


  • numpy.ndarray
    • An array of hadronic four-momenta with the same shape as the input.



Calculate the transverse momenta of a collection of four-vectors.


  • p4s : numpy.ndarray or list
    • A single particle, event, or array of events in Cartesian coordinates.


  • numpy.ndarray
    • An array of transverse momenta with shape p4s.shape[:-1].



Calculate the squared transverse momenta of a collection of four-vectors.


  • p4s : numpy.ndarray or list
    • A single particle, event, or array of events in Cartesian coordinates.


  • numpy.ndarray
    • An array of squared transverse momenta with shape p4s.shape[:-1].



Calculate the rapidities of a collection of four-vectors. Returns zero for all-zero particles


  • p4s : numpy.ndarray or list
    • A single particle, event, or array of events in Cartesian coordinates.


  • numpy.ndarray
    • An array of rapidities with shape p4s.shape[:-1].



Calculate the pseudorapidities of a collection of four-vectors. Returns zero for all-zero particles


  • p4s : numpy.ndarray or list
    • A single particle, event, or array of events in Cartesian coordinates.


  • numpy.ndarray
    • An array of pseudorapidities with shape p4s.shape[:-1].


energyflow.phis_from_p4s(p4s, phi_ref=None)

Calculate the azimuthal angles of a collection of four-vectors.


  • p4s : numpy.ndarray or list
    • A single particle, event, or array of events in Cartesian coordinates.
  • phi_ref : {float, numpy.ndarray, None, 'hardest'}
    • Used to help deal with the fact that \phi is a periodic coordinate. If a float (which should be in [0,2\pi)), all phi values will be within \pm\pi of this reference value. If '\hardest', the phi of the hardest particle is used as the reference value. If None, all phis will be in the range [0,2\pi). An array is accepted in the case that p4s is an array of events, in which case the phi_ref array should have shape (N,) where N is the number of events.


  • numpy.ndarray
    • An array of azimuthal angles with shape p4s.shape[:-1].



Calculate the squared masses of a collection of four-vectors.


  • p4s : numpy.ndarray or list
    • A single particle, event, or array of events in Cartesian coordinates.


  • numpy.ndarray
    • An array of squared masses with shape p4s.shape[:-1].



Calculate the masses of a collection of four-vectors.


  • p4s : numpy.ndarray or list
    • A single particle, event, or array of events in Cartesian coordinates.


  • numpy.ndarray
    • An array of masses with shape p4s.shape[:-1].



Calculate the masses of a collection of Lorentz vectors in two or more spacetime dimensions.


  • ps : numpy.ndarray or list
    • A single particle, event, or array of events in Cartesian coordinates in d\ge2 spacetime dimensions.


  • numpy.ndarray
    • An array of masses with shape ps.shape[:-1].


energyflow.etas_from_pts_ys_ms(pts, ys, ms)

Calculate pseudorapidities from transverse momenta, rapidities, and masses. All input arrays should have the same shape.


  • pts : numpy.ndarray
    • Array of transverse momenta.
  • ys : numpy.ndarray
    • Array of rapidities.
  • ms : numpy.ndarray
    • Array of masses.


  • numpy.ndarray
    • Array of pseudorapidities with the same shape as ys.


energyflow.ys_from_pts_etas_ms(pts, etas, ms)

Calculate rapidities from transverse momenta, pseudorapidities, and masses. All input arrays should have the same shape.


  • pts : numpy.ndarray
    • Array of transverse momenta.
  • etas : numpy.ndarray
    • Array of pseudorapidities.
  • ms : numpy.ndarray
    • Array of masses.


  • numpy.ndarray
    • Array of rapidities with the same shape as etas.



Calculate Cartesian four-vectors from transverse momenta, rapidities, azimuthal angles, and (optionally) masses for each input.


  • ptyphims : numpy.ndarray or list
    • A single particle, event, or array of events in hadronic coordinates. The mass is optional and if left out will be taken to be zero.


  • numpy.ndarray
    • An array of Cartesian four-vectors.


energyflow.p4s_from_ptyphipids(ptyphipids, error_on_unknown=False)

Calculate Cartesian four-vectors from transverse momenta, rapidities, azimuthal angles, and particle IDs for each input. The particle IDs are used to lookup the mass of the particle. Transverse momenta should have units of GeV when using this function.


  • ptyphipids : numpy.ndarray or list
    • A single particle, event, or array of events in hadronic coordinates where the mass is replaced by the PDG ID of the particle.
  • error_on_unknown : bool
    • See the corresponding argument of pids2ms.


  • numpy.ndarray
    • An array of Cartesian four-vectors with the same shape as the input.


energyflow.sum_ptyphims(ptyphims, scheme='escheme')

Add a collection of four-vectors that are expressed in hadronic coordinates by first converting to Cartesian coordinates and then summing.


  • ptyphims : numpy.ndarray or list
    • An event in hadronic coordinates. The mass is optional and if left out will be taken to be zero.
  • scheme : str
    • A string specifying a recombination scheme for adding four-vectors together. Currently supported options are 'escheme', which adds the vectors in Cartesian coordinates, and 'ptscheme', which sums the pTs of each particle and places the jet axis at the pT-weighted centroid in the rapidity-azimuth plane. Note that 'ptscheme' will return a three-vector consisting of the jet [pT,y,phi] with no mass value.


  • numpy.ndarray
    • Array of summed four-vectors, in hadronic coordinates. Note that when scheme is 'escheme', the \phi value of the hardest particle is used as the phi_ref when converting back to hadronic coordinates.


energyflow.sum_ptyphipids(ptyphipids, scheme='escheme', error_on_unknown=False)

Add a collection of four-vectors that are expressed as [pT,y,phi,pdgid].


  • ptyphipids : numpy.ndarray or list
    • A single particle or event in hadronic coordinates where the mass is replaced by the PDG ID of the particle.
  • scheme : str
  • error_on_unknown : bool
    • See the corresponding argument of pids2ms.


  • numpy.ndarray
    • Array of summed four-vectors, in hadronic coordinates. Note that when scheme is 'escheme', the \phi value of the hardest particle is used as the phi_ref when converting back to hadronic coordinates.


energyflow.center_ptyphims(ptyphims, axis=None, center='escheme', copy=True)

Center a collection of four-vectors according to a calculated or provided axis.


  • ptyphims : numpy.ndarray or list
    • An event in hadronic coordinates. The mass is optional and if left out will be taken to be zero.
  • axis : numpy.ndarray
    • If not None, the [y,phi] values to use for centering.
  • center : str
    • The centering scheme to be used. Valid options are the same as the scheme argument of sum_ptyphims.
  • copy : bool
    • Whether or not to copy the input array.


  • numpy.ndarray
    • An array of hadronic four-momenta with the positions centered around the origin.


energyflow.rotate_ptyphims(ptyphims, rotate='ptscheme', center=None, copy=True)

Rotate a collection of four-vectors to vertically align the principal component of the energy flow. The principal component is obtained as the eigenvector of the energy flow with the largest eigenvalue. It is only defined up to a sign, however it is ensured that there is more total pT in the top half of the rapidity-azimuth plane.


  • ptyphims : numpy.ndarray or list
    • An event in hadronic coordinates. The mass is optional and if left out will be taken to be zero.
  • rotate : str
    • The rotation scheme to be used. Currently, only 'ptscheme' is supported, which causes the rotation to take place in the rapidity-azimuth plane.
  • center : str or None
    • If not None, the event will be centered prior to rotation and this argument will be passed on to center_ptyphims as the centering scheme.
  • copy : bool
    • Whether or not to copy the input array.


  • numpy.ndarray
    • An array of hadronic four-momenta with the positions rotated around the origin.


energyflow.reflect_ptyphims(ptyphims, which='both', center=None, copy=True)

Reflect a collection of four-vectors to arrange the highest-pT half or quadrant to have positive rapidity-azimuth coordinates.


  • ptyphims : numpy.ndarray
    • An event in hadronic coordinates. The mass is optional and is not used as a part of this function.
  • which : {'both', 'x', 'y'}
    • Controls which axes to consider reflecting over. 'both' includes 'x' and 'y'.
  • center : str or None
    • If not None, the centering scheme to use prior to performing reflections.
  • copy : bool
    • Whether or not to copy the input array.


energyflow.pids2ms(pids, error_on_unknown=False)

Map an array of Particle Data Group IDs to an array of the corresponding particle masses (in GeV).


  • pids : numpy.ndarray or list
    • An array of numeric (float or integer) PDG ID values.
  • error_on_unknown : bool
    • Controls whether a KeyError is raised if an unknown PDG ID is encountered. If False, unknown PDG IDs will map to zero.


  • numpy.ndarray
    • An array of masses in GeV.


energyflow.pids2chrgs(pids, error_on_unknown=False)

Map an array of Particle Data Group IDs to an array of the corresponding particle charges (in fundamental units where the charge of the electron is -1).


  • pids : numpy.ndarray or list
    • An array of numeric (float or integer) PDG ID values.
  • error_on_unknown : bool
    • Controls whether a KeyError is raised if an unknown PDG ID is encountered. If False, unknown PDG IDs will map to zero.


  • numpy.ndarray
    • An array of charges as floats.


energyflow.ischrgd(pids, ignored_pids=None)

Compute a boolean mask according to if the given PDG ID corresponds to a particle of non-zero charge.


  • pids : numpy.ndarray
    • An array of numeric (float or integer) PDG ID values.
  • ignored_pids : numpy.ndarray or None
    • If not None, the PDG IDs in this array will not be considered charged, for instance to avoid counting quarks as charged particles.


  • numpy.ndarray
    • A boolean mask corresponding to which particles are charged.


energyflow.phi_fix(phis, phi_ref, copy=True)

A function to ensure that all phis are within \pi of phi_ref. It is assumed that all starting phi values are \pm 2\pi of phi_ref.


  • phis : numpy.ndarray or list
    • Array of phi values.
  • phi_ref : {float or numpy.ndarray}
    • A reference value used so that all phis will be within \pm\pi of this value. Should have a shape of phis.shape[:-1].
  • copy : bool
    • Determines if phis are copied or not. If False then phis is modified in place.


  • numpy.ndarray
    • An array of the fixed phi values.



The Minkowski metric in dim spacetime dimensions in the mostly-minus convention.


  • dim : int
    • The number of spacetime dimensions (thought to be four in our universe).


  • 1-d numpy.ndarray
    • A dim-length, one-dimensional (not matrix) array equal to [+1,-1,...,-1].

Random Events

Functions to generate random sets of four-vectors. Includes an implementation of the RAMBO algorithm for sampling uniform M-body massless phase space. Also includes other functions for various random, non-center of momentum, and non-uniform sampling.


energyflow.gen_random_events(nevents, nparticles, dim=4, mass=0.0)

Generate random events with a given number of particles in a given spacetime dimension. The spatial components of the momenta are distributed uniformly in [-1,+1]. These events are not guaranteed to uniformly sample phase space.


  • nevents : int
    • Number of events to generate.
  • nparticles : int
    • Number of particles in each event.
  • dim : int
    • Number of spacetime dimensions.
  • mass : float or 'random'
    • Mass of the particles to generate. Can be set to 'random' to obtain a different random mass for each particle.


  • numpy.ndarray
    • An (nevents,nparticles,dim) array of events. The particles are specified as [E,p1,p2,...]. If nevents is 1 then that axis is dropped.


energyflow.gen_random_events_mcom(nevents, nparticles, dim=4)

Generate random events with a given number of massless particles in a given spacetime dimension. The total momentum are made to sum to zero. These events are not guaranteed to uniformly sample phase space.


  • nevents : int
    • Number of events to generate.
  • nparticles : int
    • Number of particles in each event.
  • dim : int
    • Number of spacetime dimensions.


  • numpy.ndarray
    • An (nevents,nparticles,dim) array of events. The particles are specified as [E,p1,p2,...].


energyflow.gen_massless_phase_space(nevents, nparticles, energy=1.0)

Implementation of the RAMBO algorithm for uniformly sampling massless M-body phase space for any center of mass energy.


  • nevents : int
    • Number of events to generate.
  • nparticles : int
    • Number of particles in each event.
  • energy : float
    • Total center of mass energy of each event.


  • numpy.ndarray
    • An (nevents,nparticles,4) array of events. The particles are specified as [E,p_x,p_y,p_z]. If nevents is 1 then that axis is dropped.

Data Tools

Functions for dealing with datasets. These are not importable from the top level energyflow module, but must instead be imported from energyflow.utils.


energyflow.utils.get_examples(path='~/.energyflow', which='all', overwrite=False)

Pulls examples from GitHub. To ensure availability of all examples update EnergyFlow to the latest version.


  • path : str
    • The destination for the downloaded files. Note that examples is automatically appended to the end of this path.
  • which : {list, 'all'}
    • List of examples to download, or the string 'all' in which case all the available examples are downloaded.
  • overwrite : bool
    • Whether to overwrite existing files or not.


energyflow.utils.data_split(*args, train=-1, val=0.0, test=0.1, shuffle=True)

A function to split a dataset into train, test, and optionally validation datasets.


  • *args : arbitrary numpy.ndarray datasets
    • An arbitrary number of datasets, each required to have the same number of elements, as numpy arrays.
  • train : {int, float}
    • If a float, the fraction of elements to include in the training set. If an integer, the number of elements to include in the training set. The value -1 is special and means include the remaining part of the dataset in the training dataset after the test and (optionally) val parts have been removed
  • val : {int, float}
    • If a float, the fraction of elements to include in the validation set. If an integer, the number of elements to include in the validation set. The value 0 is special and means do not form a validation set.
  • test : {int, float}
    • If a float, the fraction of elements to include in the test set. If an integer, the number of elements to include in the test set.
  • shuffle : bool
    • A flag to control whether the dataset is shuffled prior to being split into parts.


  • list
    • A list of the split datasets in train, [val], test order. If datasets X, Y, and Z were given as args (and assuming a non-zero val), then [X_train, X_val, X_test, Y_train, Y_val, Y_test, Z_train, Z_val, Z_test] will be returned.


energyflow.utils.to_categorical(labels, num_classes=None)

One-hot encodes class labels.


  • labels : 1-d numpy.ndarray
    • Labels in the range [0,num_classes).
  • num_classes : {int, None}
    • The total number of classes. If None, taken to be the maximum label plus one.


  • 2-d numpy.ndarray
    • The one-hot encoded labels.


energyflow.utils.remap_pids(events, pid_i=3, error_on_unknown=True)

Remaps PDG id numbers to small floats for use in a neural network. events are modified in place and nothing is returned.


  • events : numpy.ndarray
    • The events as an array of arrays of particles.
  • pid_i : int
    • The column index corresponding to pid information in an event.
  • error_on_unknown : bool
    • Controls whether a KeyError is raised if an unknown PDG ID is encountered. If False, unknown PDG IDs will map to zero.

Image Tools

Functions for dealing with image representations of events. These are not importable from the top level energyflow module, but must instead be imported from energyflow.utils.


energyflow.utils.pixelate(jet, npix=33, img_width=0.8, nb_chan=1, norm=True, charged_counts_only=False)

A function for creating a jet image from an array of particles.


  • jet : numpy.ndarray
    • An array of particles where each particle is of the form [pt,y,phi,pid] where the particle id column is only used if nb_chan=2 and charged_counts_only=True.
  • npix : int
    • The number of pixels on one edge of the jet image, which is taken to be a square.
  • img_width : float
    • The size of one edge of the jet image in the rapidity-azimuth plane.
  • nb_chan : {1, 2}
    • The number of channels in the jet image. If 1, then only a p_T channel is constructed (grayscale). If 2, then both a p_T channel and a count channel are formed (color).
  • norm : bool
    • Whether to normalize the p_T pixels to sum to 1.
  • charged_counts_only : bool
    • If making a count channel, whether to only include charged particles. Requires that pid information be given.


  • 3-d numpy.ndarray
    • The jet image as a (npix, npix, nb_chan) array. Note that the order of the channels changed in version 1.0.3.


energyflow.utils.standardize(*args, channels=None, copy=False, reg=10**-10)

Normalizes each argument by the standard deviation of the pixels in args[0]. The expected use case would be standardize(X_train, X_val, X_test).


  • *args : arbitrary numpy.ndarray datasets
    • An arbitrary number of datasets, each required to have the same shape in all but the first axis.
  • channels : int
    • A list of which channels (assumed to be the last axis) to standardize. None is interpretted to mean every channel.
  • copy : bool
    • Whether or not to copy the input arrays before modifying them.
  • reg : float
    • Small parameter used to avoid dividing by zero. It's important that this be kept consistent for images used with a given model.


  • list
    • A list of the now-standardized arguments.


energyflow.utils.zero_center(args, kwargs)

Subtracts the mean of arg[0] from the arguments. The expected use case would be standardize(X_train, X_val, X_test).


  • *args : arbitrary numpy.ndarray datasets
    • An arbitrary number of datasets, each required to have the same shape in all but the first axis.
  • channels : int
    • A list of which channels (assumed to be the last axis) to zero center. None is interpretted to mean every channel.
  • copy : bool
    • Whether or not to copy the input arrays before modifying them.


  • list
    • A list of the zero-centered arguments.

FastJet Tools

The FastJet package provides, among other things, fast jet clustering utilities. It is written in C++ and includes a Python interface that is easily installed at compile time by passing the --enable-pyext flag to configure. If you use this module for published research, please cite FastJet appropriately.

The core of EnergyFlow does not rely on FastJet, and hence it is not required to be installed, but the following utilities are available assuming that import fastjet succeeds in your Python environment (if not, no warnings or errors will be issued but this module will not be usable).



Converts particles in hadronic coordinates to FastJet PseudoJets.


  • ptyphims : 2d numpy.ndarray
    • An array of particles in hadronic coordinates. The mass is optional and will be taken to be zero if not present.


  • list of fastjet.PseudoJet
    • A list of PseudoJets corresponding to the particles in the given array.


energyflow.ptyphims_from_pjs(pjs, phi_ref=None, mass=True)

Extracts hadronic four-vectors from FastJet PseudoJets.


  • pjs : list of fastjet.PseudoJet
    • An iterable of PseudoJets.
  • phi_ref : float or None
    • The reference phi value to use for phi fixing. If None, then no phi fixing is performed.
  • mass : bool
    • Whether or not to include the mass in the extracted four-vectors.


  • numpy.ndarray
    • An array of four-vectors corresponding to the given PseudoJets as [pT, y, phi, m], where the mass is optional.


energyflow.cluster(pjs, algorithm='ca', R=1000.0)

Clusters a list of PseudoJets according to a specified jet algorithm and jet radius.


  • pjs : list of fastjet.PseudoJet
    • A list of Pseudojets representing particles or other kinematic objects that are to be clustered into jets.
  • algorithm : {'kt', 'antikt', 'ca', 'cambridge', 'cambridge_aachen'}
    • The jet algorithm to use during the clustering. Note that the last three options all refer to the same strategy and are provided because they are all used by the FastJet Python package.
  • R : float
    • The jet radius. The default value corresponds to max_allowable_R as defined by the FastJet python package.


  • list of fastjet.PseudoJet
    • A list of PseudoJets corresponding to the clustered jets.


energyflow.softdrop(jet, zcut=0.1, beta=0, R=1.0)

Implements the SoftDrop grooming algorithm on a jet that has been found via clustering. Specifically, given a jet, it is recursively declustered and the softer branch removed until the SoftDrop condition is satisfied:

\frac{\min(p_{T,1},p_{T,2})}{p_{T,1}+p_{T,2}} > z_{\rm cut} \left(\frac{\Delta R_{12}}{R}\right)^\beta

where 1 and 2 refer to the two PseudoJets declustered at this stage. See the SoftDrop paper for a complete description of SoftDrop. If you use this function for your research, please cite 1402.2657.


  • jet : fastjet.PseudoJet
    • A FastJet PseudoJet that has been obtained from a suitable clustering (typically Cambridge/Aachen).
  • zcut : float
    • The z_{\rm cut} parameter of SoftDrop. Should be between 0 and 1.
  • beta : int or float
    • The \beta parameter of SoftDrop.
  • R : float
    • The jet radius to use for the grooming. Only relevant if beta!=0.


  • fastjet.PseudoJet
    • The groomed jet. Note that it will not necessarily have all of the same associated structure as the original jet, but it is suitable for obtaining kinematic quantities, e.g. z_g.