Energy Flow Moments

Energy Flow Moments (EFMs) are tensors that can be computed in \mathcal O(M) where M is the number of particles. They are useful for many things, including providing a fast way of computing the \beta=2 EFPs, which are the scalar contractions of products of EFMs.

The expression for a (normalized) hadronic EFM in terms of transverse momenta \{p_{Ti}\} and particle momenta \{p_i^\mu\} is:

\mathcal I^{\mu_1\cdots\mu_v} = 2^{v/2}\sum_{i=1}^Mz_in_i^{\mu_1}\cdots n_i^{\mu_v},


z_i=\frac{p_{Ti}}{\sum_jp_{Tj}},\quad\quad n_i^\mu=\frac{p_i^\mu}{p_{Ti}}.

Note that for an EFM in an e^+e^- context, transverse momenta are replaced with energies.

Support for using EFMs to compute \beta=2 EFPs is built in to the EFP and EFPSet classes using the classes and functions in this module. The EFM and EFMSet classes can also be used on their own, as can the efp2efms function.



Translates an EFP formula, specified by its graph, to an expression involving EFMs. The input is a graph as a list of edges and the output is a tuple where the first argument is a string to be used with einsum and the second is a list of EFM signatures (the number of raised indices followed by the number of lowered indices).


  • graph : list of tuple
    • The EFP graph given as a list of edges.


  • (str, list of tuple)
    • The einstring to be used with einsum for performing the contraction of EFMs followed by a list of the EFM specs. If r is the result of this function, and efms is a dictionary containing EFM tensors indexed by their signatures, then the value of the EFP is given as np.einsum(r[0], *[efms[sig] for sig in r[1]]).


A class representing and computing a single EFM.

energyflow.EFM(nup, nlow=0, measure='hadrefm', beta=2, kappa=1, normed=None, 
                            coords=None, check_input=True)

Since EFMs are fully symmetric tensors, they can be specified by just two integers: the number of raised and number of lowered indices that they carry. Thus we use a tuple of two ints as an EFM "spec" or signature throughout EnergyFlow. By convention the raised indices come before the lowered indices.

Since a standalone EFM defines and holds a Measure instance, all Measure keywords are accepted. Note that beta is ignored as EFMs require \beta=2.


  • nup : int
    • The number of uppered indices of the EFM.
  • nlow : int
    • The number of lowered indices of the EFM.
  • measure : {'hadrefm', 'eeefm'}
    • The choice of measure. See Measures for additional info. Note that EFMs can only use the 'hadrefm' and 'eeefm' measures.
  • beta : float
    • The parameter \beta appearing in the measure. Must be greater than zero.
  • kappa : {float, 'pf'}
    • If a number, the energy weighting parameter \kappa. If 'pf', use \kappa=v-1 where v is the valency of the vertex.
  • normed : bool
    • Controls normalization of the energies in the measure.
  • coords : {'ptyphim', 'epxpypz', None}
    • Controls which coordinates are assumed for the input. See Measures for additional info.
  • check_input : bool
    • Whether to check the type of the input each time or assume the first input type.


compute(event=None, zs=None, nhats=None)

Evaluates the EFM on a single event. Note that EFM also is callable, in which case this method is invoked.


  • event : 2-d array_like or fastjet.PseudoJet
    • The event as an array of particles in the coordinates specified by coords.
  • zs : 1-d array_like
    • If present, nhats must also be present, and zs is used in place of the energies of an event.
  • nhats : 2-d array like
    • If present, zs must also be present, and nhats is used in place of the scaled particle momenta.


  • numpy.ndarray of rank v
    • The values of the EFM tensor on the event. The raised indices are the first nup and the lowered indices are the last nlow.


batch_compute(events, n_jobs=None)

Evaluates the EFM on several events.


  • events : array_like or fastjet.PseudoJet
    • The events as an array of arrays of particles in coordinates matching those anticipated by coords.
  • n_jobs : int or None
    • The number of worker processes to use. A value of None will use as many processes as there are CPUs on the machine.


  • numpy.ndarray of rank v+1
    • Array of EFM tensor values on the events.



The number of uppered indices on the EFM.


The number of lowered indices on the EFM.


The signature of the EFM as (nup, nlow).


The valency, or total number of indices, of the EFM.


A class for holding and efficiently constructing a collection of EFMs.

energyflow.EFMSet(efm_specs=None, vmax=None, measure='hadrefm', beta=2, kappa=1,
                  normed=None, coords=None, check_input=True)

An EFMSet can be initialized two ways (in order of precedence):

  1. EFM Specs - Pass in a list of EFM specs (nup, nlow).
  2. Max Valency - Specify a maximum valency and each EFM with up to that many indices will be constructed, with all indices raised.

Since a standalone EFMSet defines and holds a Measure instance, all Measure keywords are accepted. Note that beta is ignored as EFMs require \beta=2.


  • efm_specs : {list, tuple, set} of tuple or None
    • A collection of tuples of length two specifying which EFMs this object is to hold. Each spec is of the form (nup, nlow) where these are the number of upper and lower indices, respectively, that the EFM is to have.
  • vmax : int
    • Only used if efm_specs is None. The maximum EFM valency to include in the EFMSet. Note that all EFMs will have nlow=0.
  • measure : {'hadrefm', 'eeefm'}
    • The choice of measure. See Measures for additional info. Note that EFMs can only use the 'hadrefm' and 'eeefm' measures.
  • beta : float
    • The parameter \beta appearing in the measure. Must be greater than zero.
  • kappa : {float, 'pf'}
    • If a number, the energy weighting parameter \kappa. If 'pf', use \kappa=v-1 where v is the valency of the vertex.
  • normed : bool
    • Controls normalization of the energies in the measure.
  • coords : {'ptyphim', 'epxpypz', None}
    • Controls which coordinates are assumed for the input. See Measures for additional info.
  • check_input : bool
    • Whether to check the type of the input each time or assume the first input type.


compute(event=None, zs=None, nhats=None)

Evaluates the EFMs held by this EFMSet according to the predetermined strategy on a single event. Note that EFMSet also is callable, in which case this method is invoked.


  • event : 2-d array_like or fastjet.PseudoJet
    • The event as an array of particles in the coordinates specified by coords.
  • zs : 1-d array_like
    • If present, nhats must also be present, and zs is used in place of the energies of an event.
  • nhats : 2-d array like
    • If present, zs must also be present, and nhats is used in place of the scaled particle momenta.


  • dict of numpy.ndarray of rank v
    • A dictionary of EFM tensors indexed by their signatures.


batch_compute(events, n_jobs=None)

Evaluates the EFMs held by the EFMSet on several events.


  • events : array_like or fastjet.PseudoJet
    • The events as an array of arrays of particles in coordinates matching those anticipated by coords.
  • n_jobs : int or None
    • The number of worker processes to use. A value of None will use as many processes as there are CPUs on the machine.


  • numpy.ndarray of dict
    • Object array of dictionaries of EFM tensors indexed by their signatures.



A dictionary of the EFM objects held by this EFMSet where the keys are the signatures of the EFM.


An ordered dictionary of the construction method used for each EFM where the order is the same as sorted_efms.